Club Nights

Kingscliff Swimming Club runs club nights on Tuesday nights through the summer season at Kingscliff Swimming pool. Club Nights are designed to provide race practice in a friendly environment. Times are recorded so that swimmers can track their progress against their own personal best.

Returning member? Please register on swim central before your first club night of the season.
New to swim club? Please email to register for two free ‘come and try’ nights.

Swimmers must be supervised by a parent or guardian at club nights.

How can you help with club night?
We encourage parents to help out with small jobs on the night such as set up, timekeeping, marshalling, check starting and volunteering on the bbq. This allows the evening to run smoothly and efficiently, and no experience is necessary. It is also a great opportunity to get to know other Club members.

Voluntenteers are the heart and soul of our swimming community.

register for club night here